PLC control systems

Modernization and optimization

Switch cabinet construction

Commissioning and testing

Global customer service

Customised solutions for modern automation

Machines are the heart of every production operation. Modern electrics and controls from MSB Schmittwerke increase performance and offer high rationalisation potential. Customised to your company and your production processes, we develop intelligent automation solutions for you (see range of services). Set course for Industry 4.0 with all its advantages of digitalisation in order to operate successfully in line with the market.

MSB Schmittwerke Control Systems

Every Schmittwerke machine contains Schmittwerke control systems. Our in-house developments and system integrations in the areas of PLC programming, electrical drive technology, image processing and process data management are state-of-the-art and have proven themselves in a wide range of applications.

Customers from all sectors

Our services are used by customers from a wide range of industries, such as machine builders, grinding centres, steel processors, mining, suppliers for the automotive industry and aircraft construction, and contract manufacturers.

From a single source

Quickly, reliably and conveniently from a single source, we make machines of every size and in every industry worldwide fit for the challenges of the future. At our company headquarters in Bischofsheim i. d. Rhön or at your site. At MSB Schmittwerke you have ONE contact person. That saves time and money.

Your advantages with automated machines:

Please contact us!

Which project would you like to realise with us? We look forward to the challenge of developing a customised solution for you. It would be a pleasure to visit you or inspire you in an MS Teams Meeting!

Sven-Peter Erb
Sven-Peter Erb Management
Tel. +49 9772 9111-361

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